Optimising Your Tax Benefits: Integrating the Retirement Exemption and Other Small Business CGT Concessions

We know it can be a challenge to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of taxation, especially when you’re also managing the day-to-day operations of your business. Among these challenges is understanding the complexities of Capital Gains Tax (CGT), specifically the Small Business Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Concessions. It’s a topic that can often leave you scratching your head, filled with doubts and questions. 

What are Small Business CGT Concessions?

The Small Business CGT Concessions are designed to offer relief from capital gains tax incurred as a result of the sale of a small business or its assets. These concessions can offer significant tax savings, but navigating the rules and eligibility criteria can feel like walking a tightrope, with the risk of costly missteps.

There are four types of concessions available, including:

  • the 15-year exemption;
  • the 50% active asset reduction;
  • the retirement exemption;
  • and the rollover concession. 

Each of these offers a different way to reduce your CGT liability, but understanding what applies to your situation can be complex.

Eligibility for Small Business CGT Concessions

To be eligible for these concessions, your business must satisfy certain conditions. Generally, your business must have a total net asset value of less than $6 million, or your business and affiliates must have an aggregated turnover of less than $2 million in the previous year. The asset being sold must also be an “active asset,” meaning it was used or held ready for use while running your business.

However, the rules around eligibility are intricate and multifaceted. They can sometimes change depending on your business circumstances and the concession you seek. This can make it hard to be confident about your eligibility without professional advice.

FAQs on Small Business CGT Concessions

  • “Do the CGT concessions apply to my business if it’s owned through a trust or company?” The answer is yes; these concessions can still apply if your business is owned through a trust or company.
  •  “What happens if my business assets are a mix of active and passive assets?” This is where it can get complicated. The asset being sold must be an active asset for at least half of the ownership period or at least 7.5 years if owned for 15 years or more.
  • “Can I access the concessions if I sell shares in a company or interest in a trust?” This, too, is possible, provided specific additional criteria are met.

Next Steps

Recognising the complexity of the Small Business CGT Concessions, we’re here to help you through it. Whether you’re considering selling your business, an asset, shares in a company, or an interest in a trust, our professional team at Impala Tax is ready to provide you with personalised advice tailored to your situation.

As your next step, we encourage you to book an appointment online or call us at 0755361960. Our team will work closely with you to understand your unique situation, ensuring you make the most of the CGT concessions available to your business.

Remember, understanding the Small Business Capital Gains Tax can be a challenge, but you don’t have to do it alone. With the proper guidance, you can confidently navigate this complex area, maximising the benefits and minimising the risks for your business. You’re doing an amazing job running your business. Let us take care of the complex tax matters.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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